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Our Blog Library

  • 6 Businesses Owned by Native Women

    Research shows that BIPOC and women owned businesses face strong disadvantages. In that category one specific population has faced even more disadvantages, and that’s businesses owned by Native American women. As a Native American entrepreneur myself I often see big brands shouting out pretendian or descendian brands that are not genuinely Native American. In Indian country, we have our own ways of checking if someone is actually Native American or not. Here are 6 brands that are ACTUALLY owned by Native American women.

  • The Ayahuasca Boom & It’s Exploitation From Westerners.

    Akapa Supay provides the true Quechua nuances to ayahuasca tourism, also known as the Ayahuasca Boom in the western world.

  • Are Container Homes Worth The Money?

    The demand for housing has increased dramatically within the recent years, due to the housing shortage in The United States. The current supply of new homes has not kept up with the demand, resulting in America’s current housing shortage. The result has led to rising housing costs, increased homelessness, and other social and economic problems. This crisis has affected millions of Americans to the point architects developed affordable methods to create housing, such as Pre-Fabricated or Pre-Fab Homes (the Container Home design being one of them).

  • Twitch Streamer Kai Cenat In Custody For Riot In New York City

    Bronx Twitch Streamer Kai Cenat announced live on Twitch Wednesday 8/2/23 that he would be giving away game consoles such as the PlayStation 5 today 8/4/23 at Union Square Park in New York City at 4pm. NYPD Later took him into custody for inciting a riot and unlawfully creating a gathering in Union Square Park.

  • What Is Threads? And Is It The Real Competitor Of Twitter?

    Originally pitched to create a positive environment, Metas new app may be twitters true competitor. Since Metas launch for their latest platform, many people have questions. How is Threads’ different than twitter? How much potential does the app have? What new improvements will be made to the platform?

  • Goodbye Twitter, Hello Twitter X!

    Elon Musk has reported he is now rebranding twitter and calling it X, an everything app similar to WeChat.

  • Do I Need A Website If I Have Instagram?

    In this day in age upcoming entrepreneurs assume social media can replace website with great web design. Learn why you need a website to have a successful business, and why web design is the key to generating new income.

  • Taino & The Georgia Connection

    Read and piece connections of Taino in Georgia and how they later connect with Seminole, Creek, Choctaw, and Cherokee. Other discoveries such as Taino batey found in Georgia, along with petroglyphs confirmed by the University Of Puerto Rico, linguistic and cultural connections prove Taino to be in Georgia as the Toa Arawaks.

  • Bering Straight Theory Debunked

    There are many factors that come into play on why the academic world still pushes the Bering Straight Theory. It stems from many layers such as racism, politics, religion, and biases. Find out the many rebuttals that have been used to combat the Bering Straight Theory through out history. See how genetics, linguistics, archeology, immunologists were all ignored by the majority of academics.

  • Ice Fishing With Mi'kmaq

    Join me on my journey as a Documentary Photography and see what difficulties I faced shooting, as I ice fished with T.C (Mi’kmaq). In this article I also post my Vlog that you can see prior to shooting.

  • Is Being A Freelance Photographer Worth It?

    In the world of photography, I would say the majority of photographers would like to get paid for doing what they love. There are many avenues you can go to generate income with your skills as a photographer. However, there are some harsh realities you may face while actually entering this field in a more professional setting. . Watch me discuss the different avenues on how to generate income off your work, how to get funding, and what it’s like working as a freelancer for publications.

  • Taino Extinction? Or Academic Imperialism?

    In this article I will be addressing some concerns or statements that were given by a Professor named Dr. Gabriel Haslip-Viera in regards to his review of the Taino Exhibit (and symposium). Watch me expose Academic Imperialism, The Colonized mindset of Indigeneity in Puerto Rico, Lack of knowledge in tribalism, Indigenous Identity, Indigenous Nuances, and more.

  • What I Do To Manage My ADHD

    In todays climate I’m sure you’ve heard these key words all over social media. Words like ADHD or ADD, which was in the vocabulary of many in order to basically describe when someone was being inattentive. However, what exactly is ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is actually a different cognitive function and not a disorder. It means to be Neuro-Divergent, which means to differ in mental or neurological function from what is considered typical or normal (frequently used with reference to autistic spectrum disorders).

  • How Paper Genocide Affected Eastern Band Tribes In The U.S And Taino

    I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase before “race is a social construct”, and that is because it truly is. It was invented as a way to define physical differences between people, but has more often been used as a tool for oppression and violence. The Idea of race and the census has changed drastically through out the years.

  • Little People In The Andes And The Americas

    You’ve seen them in T.V shows as a kid or seen them associated with the holiday Christmas. There are many names for these little people Gnomes, Elves, Dwarves, Duende, etc. I can’t recall a culture who didn’t believe in these supernatural little beings. In “Indian Country” (The Americas) we know them as a general term called “Little People”.

  • Why Men Are Easily Manipulated By Andrew Tate

    If you don’t know his name, you’ve definitely seen his face before. As of lately, he’s been showing up on every social media platform and is continuing to grow his audience. In my personal opinion Andrew Tate is the new Tai Lopez of social media. Andrew Tate uses mostly the same marketing tactics as Tai, but he tends to push his unpopular views of todays societal norm.

  • How To Make A Recording Studio Under $500

    As someone who is a music artist myself, I know that studio time can be a bit pricey. That is, if you have a good producer that works in a legit studio. During the beginning of the pandemic, I caught myself needing to save money. I re-evaluated my expenses and as a serious artist you will know studio time will always be in that list. I noticed I spent a lot of money on studio time, mixing, and mastering. Therefore, I finally had this epiphany. I needed to take my music to the next level.

  • Understanding Your Dna Results And Indigineity In The Americas

    So you’ve just received your DNA test results and it says you either are or have some Native American DNA, now what? Watch me break down how these DNA companies decipher your ethnicity, as well as the complexity of indigenous history and identity among the Americas. Find out if you are Indigenous or a Descendant.

  • Spotting Red Flags Before Collaborating With An Influencer

    We all know in 2022 one way to get your start up business or art work out there is collaborating with an influencer. In my early personal training days with my business (KTAOW), I collaborated with influencers in the early Instagram days. It was a time we were all trying to figure out how the algorithms worked and how we could take advantage of social media for businesses.

  • Taino Spirituality Found In Modern Day Caribbean Santeria

    In this article, I quote and break down Taino spiritual practices documented by the Spanish. Watch as I compare it to modern day Caribbean Santeria that I witnessed growing up in East New York ,Brooklyn.

  • The Reconnecting NDN Problem

    Indigineity is very complex because it may differ from nation to nation. As native people it is who we claim, that’s a part of our community.

  • Shady Record Labels

    About two and a half years ago, my producer Sev met this woman at a sound gig he was working at. This woman claimed to be this big time “Record Label” owner who claims to have ties to sony, when she really was just starting out her business.

  • Financial Decolonization

    As Native people there is no doubt that decolonization may look a little different to each individual. In my personal opinion I sometimes feel as though reconnecting Natives have a fantasization on what it was like to live at the time of our ancestors, and wish to emulate that. Our ancestors were not perfect, and they too made mistakes just like us. Sometimes decolonization to some is just buying land, farming, and living like our ancestors, which is fine because I am for that. However, decolonization to me is more educational and financial. I believe in financial decolonization to my core.

  • Being Neuro-Divergent

    There are three major types of ADHD. There is impulsive, inattentive, and then there is the combination type. I have the combination type which is usually viewed as the most chaotic. It’s a constant battle with myself internally when it comes to basic things such as decision making. It affects me in a multiple aspects in my life such as friendships, relationships, school life, work life, life in general & even music.

  • How To Get Started As A Professional Music Artist

    The biggest issue I see with most artists are that they think like an artist, and not with a business mindset. If you think you’re going to get famous over night by just dropping tracks on your sound cloud because your “work speaks for itself”, you might as well hang it up. The reality is no matter how good you are at your craft, you won’t get anywhere without understanding or fulfilling the business side of your music.

  • A Battle With Traction Alopecia

    I believe it all started when I had a vitamin deficiency. There was an entire year where I just didn’t leave my house in broad daylight like that. It was a time where I was still trying to figure out which direction I wanted to go in life.

What People Are Saying

“The Devil’s Garden blog gives you a familiar feeling when you read through each article. It’s not your typical blog with a boring tone, it’s more like you’re talking to a friend; Which makes it easy to get sucked in.”

— Francine Willow

“As someone fascinated with indigenous people and culture, there are topics in this blog that make it worth subscribing.”

— Kendra Schwartz

“I’ve been following this blog since Akapa first started blogging, and I really love to see his insight on certain topics from an Indigenous perspective.”

— Jason Chang

“I never heard about financial decolonization before! That has to have been my favorite article as an Indigenous person”

— Roy Spottedthunder

“What I love most is that the writer is a neuro-divergent native artist like me so there’s a lot that he says that I feel is relatable to me.”

— Jessie Valentino

“This blog is so raw and engaging! I literally wake up every morning, drink my coffee, and love to see what Akapa Supay has to say in his new article.”

— Bree Lamont