Is Ekeko From Bolivia or Peru?

By Akapa Supay

July 16, 2024

If you are Native to Peru or Bolivia the odds are you’ve probably heard of “Ekeko”. I’ve seen Peruvians and Bolivians debating all over between who the diety Ekeko “belongs to”. In order to settle this score we have to refer back into history, after giving you his timeline, I will tell you who Ekeko is today, his functions, and his rituals.

Photo was taken by: AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

Ekekos name is said to come from the Aymara language which can mean dwarf or elf. In spanish the word often to describe him is a “duende”. Records show that Ekeko is the god of abundance and is said to have came from the Tiwanaku civilization’s god of fertility called Illa. However, they say Illa came from the Inca god of thunder named Illapa. When you see a timeline of civilizations in peru you will also see tiwanaku are descendants of the Wari. The Wari also came from the Chavin and the god of thunder which has the same original functions as ekeko, originally come from central “Peru” or the Andes.

In Yungay, Ancash where my family are from there is a ritual we go through during graduations and it is to dress up as ekeko. We dress up as Ekeko and the entire family gives us money as a way to say our family and community will take care of us as we continue to walk our path to adulthood.

The Ekeko image of today depicts a Mestizo, however his original forms are that of a Huaca, which is a stone carving of our dieties. No matter how deep you look into his timeline Ekeko (Illa or Illapa) was associated with abundance. Our ancestors would pray to Illa or Illapa for it to rain. The rain would make sure our village would be protected and have an abundance of crops. So he has always been associated with bringing us abundance in food, money, health, and protection. Illapa was known as the god of Rain & Thunder. He was also associated with War (protection).

Ekeko’s Functions

Ekeko, is known to protect the home and grant wishes. However in order to activate your Ekeko’s spirit you need to activate him along with several rituals. Also just like he can do good, he can do bad. He is a trickster spirit and once you pray to him he is very demanding on what he needs. You must be very consistent while praying to Ekeko, or he will cause mischief.

How To Activate Ekeko

  • Give him a cigarette and light it up

  • Take your ekeko and show him all around the house so he knows the layout of your home , which he will protect. Then, put him back on your alter.


  • One glass of water

  • One glass of soda

  • a cup of lentils, beans, and rice

  • change or dollar bills

  • sweet candies

  • cinnamon sticks

  • and bay leaves

    These are the offerings Ekeko likes and he will bring abundance and protecting in your home if given these things every tuesday and friday at 12pm or 12am. Ekekos colors associated with him are gold, orange, red, blue, green and mustard. Prayers and offerings are always at 12 every Tuesday or Friday. When you pray to ekeko tell him your wish and then light up his cigarette. If his cigarette burns all the way he will grant your wish, if it burns half way or stops early on he wont grant your wish. In that case you need to give him more offerings until he is happy with what you gave him.

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